Our Relationships

Rev. Delfils and Rev. Hopp have worked closely, albeit informally, together from the time Rev. Hopp arrived in Haiti in 2007. Following a crisis in 2010, the Lord brought them even closer together, especially around the fledgling congregation in the Delmas neighborhood of Port-au-Prince. This church came to be known as the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Delmas (RPC Delmas), or in the French language of Haiti, Église Presbytérienne Réformée de Delmas (EPR Delmas). As the Lord knitted these two men together in His providence, it seemed good to us to encourage a more formal partnership. In 2013, a cooperative agreement between Calvary Presbytery (PCA) and the OPC Committee on Foreign Missions was signed in order to formalize the working partnership between the Delfils and Hopp families. The agreement officially join these two families together on the same team - the OPC Mission Team in Haiti. We are glad for this development because it maintains the ecclesiastical oversight of these men by their respective presbyteries while it also enhances their unity, mutuality, and accountability in regard to their vision, decision-making, and action on the field. While the Delfils family is part of the OPC Mission Team in Haiti, the Delfils family is still the ecclesiastical and financial responsibility of Calvary Presbytery (PCA). The OPC Committee on Foreign Missions, working through the mission team in Haiti of which both the Delfils and Hopp families are members, provides field-level oversight for the team, but the ecclesiastical oversight and financial support of the Delfils family remains with the PCA by way of Calvary Presbytery and Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church.

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